Thursday, May 31, 2018

Radiations-One of the best treatments for Cancer

Curative modality for #cancer-#radiations-also have palliative benefits of relieving symptoms and pain-Inviting experts in this field of #radiationoncology to Osaka, Japan this October15-16 @ 3rd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Berries-Cancer Fighter

#Berries are packed with #cancerfighting phytonutrients that slow down the growth of #premalignant cells.
To know more about the cancer fighters please join us at #Osaka this #October 15-16 @CancerTherapy18

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Broccoli-Super food to win Cancer

#Broccoli-a super food to win the #cancer war which contains high amounts of #sulforaphane that boosts the body to flush out #carcinogens
Know more about #anticancer foods @CancerTherapy18 conference scheduled at Osaka, Japan

Monday, May 28, 2018

Immunotherapy-Cancer Treatment

#Immunotherapy, also called biologic therapy, is a type of #cancertreatment that boosts the body's #naturaldefenses to fight the cancer- share your views and ideas on immunotherapy for treatment of cancer at the #cancertherapyconference

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Childhood Cancers

#Cancers in children are uncommon. Only about 1 in 285 children will develop cancer before the age of 20. This may be due to inherited #DNAmutations from a parent.
Lets join hands and save our treasures, the #youngchildren from this dreadful disease. @CancerTherapy18

Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Healing Power of Cancer

The healing power of #cancer- an inspirational story of a #bowelcancer survivor
Share your battle stories of cancer at the #CancerTherapyconference and create an impact among the #cancersurvivors about what all can cancer give apart from pain.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The most common #malecancers are #prostate cancer, #bladdercancer, #melanoma, #lungcancer and #colorectal cancer. Know the causes and be cautious!!!
 Discussion on different types of cancer at the #Osakaconference scheduled this #October 2018,
"3rd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy"  

Operomics-Track 3 at Cancer Therapy 2018

#Operomics- Integration of #genomics, #proteomics and #transcriptomics to understand the #molecularmechanisms responsible for the development of #cancer. It involves the molecular analysis of tissues at all the three levels. By this approach the functional changes at the proteome level can be predicted and thus the disadvantage in one level analysis can be overcome.
A session at the #CancerTherapy2018 conference

Monday, May 21, 2018

Radiation Therapy_Cancer Therapy 2018

#Radiationtherapy is the most primary #treatment given to #cancer patients of all types. To know more about the different #therapies administered for #cancerpatients, join the "3rd World Congress on
Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy"on #October15-16 at #Osaka, Japan

Beautiful city of Japan_OSAKA

An opportunity to explore the beautiful city of Japan-OSAKA.

Osaka is Japan’s second largest metropolitan area next to Tokyo. It is a large port city and commercial center and it remained to be the economic powerhouse for many centuries. Apart from its attractions like Universal Studios, temples, Osaka Castle, skyscraper, museum, Bay area and parks, Osaka is also famous for its Universities which have medical faculties making advances in regenerative medicine.

Plan a trip to #Osaka and explore the beauty of the city and add some points to your knowledge in #cancer as well.

Join us ta Osaka for the #CancerTherapy conference, "3rd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy" during October 15-16, 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Radiation Therapy

#Radiationtherapy uses high energy radiations to kill #cancercells by damaging their #DNA. This can be used along with #chemotherapy or #surgery. Know more about the different #therapies used for the treatment of #cancer.

Join us at #Osaka this #October 15-16, 2018- #CancerTherapy2018 conference 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Molecular Diagnostics - Session at Cancer Therapy 2018 conference

#MolecularDiagnostics involves the different tests to examine #DNA, #RNA and #Protein for #diagnosis, #prognosis and #prediction purposes. This new advanced technique can be used for various purposes like,
  • Risk Assessment
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Prognosis
  • Prediction of Treatment Response
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Monitoring Treatment Response
Know more about Molecular diagnostics and share your viewpoints and experiences related to diagnostics at the #CancerTherapy2018 conference.

Media Partner-Cancer Therapy 2018 

 “We all do better when we work together” 

#CancerTherapy2018 is glad to have many reputed firms like Tabeeby, EXPO-Group,Conference Clocate, Vydya health, The Pharma Times, Medgadget , EventsGet and ManuscriptEdit as its media partners.

Join as for the conference, "3rd World Congress on Advanced & Therapy"during 15-16, 2018.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Oncogenomics-Track 2 at the Cancer Therapy 2018 conference

Oncogenomics is a subfield of genomics characterizing the genes that cause cancer. Three genes that are primarily responsible for cancer development are
i)          Oncogenes- In the case of cancer, these genes replace the protooncogenes responsible for normal cell growth and make the cells grow and divide rapidly forming cancer.
ii)         Tumor suppressor genes – In a cancerous patient, the tumor suppressor genes that inhibit cell division gets turned off and thus leading to the uncontrolled division of cells which further results in cancer
iii)        DNA repair genes –DNA mutations or damages in  DNA are repaired and controlled by these genes. A healthy cell turns into a cancerous one when these DNA repair genes get disabled or altered.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Cancer Therapy 2018- Conference Highlights

Lots of interesting sessions are open at the upcoming International conference on cancer, "3rd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy"scheduled at Osaka, Japan during October 15-16, 2018.

 Cancer Therapy 2018 includes a number of highlights like Cancer Pathophysiology, Oncogeneomics, Operomics, Biomarkers and many more. Be a part of this worldwide event and present your ideas under the session of your interest in the form of oral or posters.

Hospice in Cancer-Session at Cancer Therapy 2018

An exclusive session especially for the nurses who take care of the patients-Hospice in Cancer

In spite of the developing advances in cancer treatment methods, in cases where the therapies are no longer controlling the disease, a special type of care known as hospice is provided to the patients which supports the person medically, psychologically and spiritually. It focuses on caring the patients and keeping them as comfortable as possible by controlling the pain and other symptoms.

Happy International Nurses Day

Cancer Therapy 2018 wishes all the nurses across the world a very "Happy International Nurses Day"
Nurses are the people who play a major role in helping the patients lead a comfortable life. They are responsible for restoring the mental health of the patients.

Friday, May 11, 2018

An Assembly of Curious Facts and Cure for Cancer

"An Assembly of Curious Facts and Cure for #Cancer" Three days gathering of #Oncologists, Medical professionals, #Scientists, #Researchers, Professors, PhD scholars and young and energetic students. Be a part of this gathering at Osaka, Japan during October 15-16, 2018.
3rd World Congress on Advanced #Cancerscience & Therapy

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Cancer therapeutics_Cancer Therapy 2018 highlight

Cancer therapeutics deals with the tools and techniques used for the treatment of cancer. Apart from the conventional chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical methods, recent advancements and methods which targets proteins involved in cancer development have been developed to tackle the challenge of tumor heterogeneity, cancer evolution and resistance of cancerous cells to drug treatments. And new innovations aims at providing efficacy with low toxicity.

Share your views and ideas on the recent advancements in the field of cancer at the upcoming International gathering at Osaka, Japan on October 15-16, 2018 "3rd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy"

Cancer Therapy 2018

PULSUS, a renowned organization that organizes highly noteworthy conferences throughout the globe invites participants from all over the world to attend “3rd World Congress on Advanced Cancer Science & Therapy” under the theme “An Assembly of Curious Facts and Cure for Cancer” during October 15-16, 2018 in Osaka, Japan. This includes prompt Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Workshops and Exhibitions.
Cancer is a disease in which cells grow abnormally and have the potential to spread to different parts. The abnormal growths without being harmful are called the benign tumors or the non-cancerous growths. Those cells which divide uncontrollably and spread to the nearby tissues are called the malignant tumors or the cancerous growths. The spread form the primary site (the place it originated) to the secondary site is called metastasis. The causative agents of cancer are called carcinogens. There are different types of cancers named based on their origin of development. These days many advancements have come in the field of cancer starting from diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Cancer Therapy 2018 conference is aiming to fulfil the thirst of research minds with its keynote sessions of eminent professionals, oral and poster presentations from young minds and innovative scholars. We hope to provide you a valuable time and opportunity to meet and interact with professionals and researchers from all through the globe.

Cancer Therapy 2019 - #Breast_Cancer #Cancer_Drugs #Cancer_Care #Cancer_Surgeries

Breast Cancer Cancer occurs when changes called mutations take place in genes that regulate cell growth. The mutations let the cells di...